Sunday, May 18, 2014

One Person At A Time..

"Sometimes working in a third world country makes me feel like I am emptying the ocean with an eyedropper.'  Today it often still feels that way.  I have learned to be okay with this feeling because I have learned that I will not change the world.  Jesus will do that.  I can, however, change the world for one person...and if one person sees the love of Christ in me, it is worth every minute." 1. 

That quote was from Katie Davis' book "Kisses from Katie".  A book that from the first read has landed among my most favorite books.  I am going through it again for the second time and this entry from her journal really hit home for me.

So often I am overwhelmed with the needs out in our world.
  • Orphans
  • Starvation
  • Epidemics
  • Tsunamis/Hurricanes/Tornadoes (some form of weather related catastrophe)
  • Poverty
  • Slave Trade
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Abortion
  • Persecution
  • War

These are the first things that came to mind and I want to help in every area.  But like Katie's quote so succinctly said, I "feel like I am emptying the ocean with an eyedropper."  I ask myself (probably on a monthly basis) how can I make a difference in this world?  And every time I overwhelm myself thinking of the hundreds of places that need help...

But you know what, I've learned that the woman who is a widow and is lonely, needs me to love her.
I've learned that the girl who sits quietly by herself, but pleads with her eyes for a conversation needs my ears and love.  I've learned that the person walking out of the gas station needs an encouraging
smile and someone to hold the door for them.  I've learned that the person who has recently had an operation would appreciate a meal.  I've learned the elderly couple at church could use a pair of young arms and legs to rake their lawn free of all the leaves.  I've learned that Jesus wants to work in the small as well as the "big" needy places.  Katie is right, she can't change the world, only Jesus can do that.  God places us with the people He wants us to minister to at this time in our life. Yes, He may move us somewhere else at some point to minister to a different group of people, but the lives he is calling us to touch are the ones He has placed us with.  And the task of loving the un-loveable, forgiving the un-forgivable, meeting the needs of those we come in contact with, is just as important in HIS eyes as the tasks of saving orphans, working to end the slave trade, and helping a traumatized young women.  If we are faithful where He has called us to be, then He can use each and every one of us in powerful ways!   We can change the world for the people that He has placed in our lives and show them the love of Christ in our actions and words. 

"Many days, I am still overwhelmed by the magnitude of the need and the incredible number of children who need help.  Many days I see the destitute, disease-ridden children lining the streets in the communities I serve and I want to scoop up every single one of them, take them home with me, and feed and clothe and love them.  And I look at the life of my Savior, who stopped for one.
So I keep stopping and loving one person at a time.  Because this is my call as a Christian.  I can only do what one woman can do, but I can will do what I can."3.
1. Kisses from Katie
2.          "
3.         "

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