Monday, February 6, 2012

Embassy Institute...Better than Netflix in so many ways.

Our family has recently found a treasure on our quest through life.  This treasure contains so many precious gems and we have just started to uncover them. Gems of truth, encouragement, discipleship, comfort, guidance, lessons on how to work on relationships, character qualities and our relationship with God.

You know how when you find something new and you can't wait to tell your bestfriend?  Well, that's the way I feel as I write this. There is a treasure chest waiting to be shared with others, the word just needs to get out! 

Our treasure chest is "Embassy Institute."

"Embassy Institute is the online media library of Embassy University with hundreds of powerful messages.
Embassy is committed to the high calling of training every student to experience success in five vital areas of life:
  1. Being a successful Person with character and skills
  2. Being a successful Provider in making and managing money
  3. Being a successful Persuader in communicating truth
  4. Being a successful Partner in marriage
  5. Being a successful Parent in training up sons and daughters who are "mighty upon the earth."
The entire Embassy curriculum is built on forty-nine commands of Christ, which transcend all nationalities, cultures, religions, and political systems." (1)

I realize that we are talking about an institute here, but you do not have to be a student to access these incredibly powerful messages.

Our family is learning so much from the many different speakers. Each of the speakers/couples has several different videos of themselves speaking on different topics.  From spiritual warfare, to conquering lies we are believing that are controlling our lives, to working on character qualities.  Our favorite speakers right now are Paul and Jenny Speed,  Chris & Anne Hogan, Bill Gothard, Otto Koning & Jim Logan.  However there are so many more speakers that we haven't even listened to yet!

These videos are all online for you to watch and some of them even have free downloadable materials to go along with the session.

All of this is available to you as soon as you sign up for a subscription.  There are two different options available when signing up for a subscription:
  1. A monthly subscription is $9/month
  2. A yearly subscription is $99/year (save the equivalent of one month!)
You can listen to some of their sample videos here

I can not begin to tell you how much we are learning about God through these speakers that God is using in a powerful way.  Satan wants to destroy us individually and our familes.  However he does not have to kill us in order to do that, he just needs to chain us up in lies he will tempt us to believe.  Lies that will cause us to lose our ability to become what God has planned for us. 

God created us to live victorious and vibrant christian lives and yet how many people do you know that you could describe like that?  Christians that have such an incredible relationship with their Creator and Savior that everyone who comes into contact with them can see Christ and His love.

I know that that is what I want to be.  I want to be what God intended me to be and not your "average" christian.  I want people to see Him and not me.

This Institute is truly a beacon in the spiritual battle we are fighting. 

I want you to imagine in your mind D-Day and the Normandy Invasion of WW2.  Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy.  Imagine if you had special information that would have helped prevent all that bloodshed.  Would you have run to General Eisenhower and showed him that information or would you have kept quiet and hoped for the best?  

 Just think how many more lives are at stake.  Millions!   Satan is fighting to bring as many people with him to hell as he can and those he can't take with him he wants to make as ineffective as possible.

This Institute, I believe, has information that is imperitive for every christian to hear and share.  Please go and see what I am talking about.  This is a battle we are to be fighting not sitting on the sidelines and hoping for the best.

May God bless you today and may he help you to live a victorious and vibrant Christian life!

1 comment:

  1. Dear man of God, Holy and Precious Greetings to you in Jesus Our Lord.

    I have Just Read Your Writings , Really They are Wonderful.

    I am a Pastor from India.

    I Pray for you.

    Please Pray for me and for Our Ministries for The Salvation of The Perishing Millions.

    I and we Pray to God That HE may Bless you Richly and Greatly.

    If it is God's will and if it is Pleases to you, Please send an E.mail. so that I can tell you about Our Ministries.

    In Christ Our Only Master
